The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Sunday, May 27, 2001

�E3 fallout� or �Fisherman�s Friend� has been down most of this week. Although I could update my blog, it felt weird not being able to see it. It shouldn�t matter though. If anything, this site is for me to put some thoughts down on paper so I can look back at how insane I�ve been. I�m still trying to figure out what to do with my $200 in travel vouchers from United. Originally I was planning to go to Hawaii in June, but Daily Radar folded so I decided to be pragmatic and compete for freelance gigs. Still, Hawaii sounds lovely. Then again Korea is awfully tempting--something about being surrounded by evilly sexy women. During E3 I got addicted to Fisherman�s Friend cough drops/breath mints. They�re incredibly strong and a little funky tasting. I�m pretty sure they�re killing my taste buds as well. This coming Tuesday I�ve an interview at GameSpot. I�m hoping, hoping, hoping it works out. It would make many things in my life right. That�s actually a little sad that a job would so dramatically change my outlook on life, but it�s the truth. My friend Alex also put a word in for me with the guy starting up Ziff�s online gaming stuff. It would be kind of cool to return to Ziff, where my career in publishing started five years ago.