The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

2+6=8 I got Leah flowers the other day (again). It was her 26th birthday on Sunday so I got her eight roses becauase two plus six equals eight. She thought that was really cute and clever, but probably not as much as I did. The last seven days have been quite sporty (my second-favorite Spice Girl). There were three volleyball sessions and three tennis sessions. My lower back is a little sore (I just had to start hitting kick serves again!), but it's been way fun. I'm so grateful that I have several pools and hot tubs at my disposal. They've been instrumental in recovering each night. FlipChick was just teasingly chiding me for constantly correcting her spelling in AIM and email. So I told her, "Well, my initial plan was to spellcheck my way into your heart. Perhaps I should reconsider." She thought it was super cute and it made her smile. I have the fuzzies from making her smile. I like her lots.