The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Heartbroken Binary Blog Good: I drank lots of free soju. Bad: The bar had no television so I had to go to the deli next door to get updates on the Yankee game. Bad: The obnoxious bald man was there. Good: He didn't really bother me. This might be because I was too sad, in which case I should change this to bad. Good: I had some Arinell's and introduced Kit to it. Bad: After enough soju I was determined to go see her. Good: I got to see her. Bad: The Yankees lost. Bad: I didn't really care since I got to see her. This part is extremely alarming. No woman -- even the one I almost married -- has ever been put ahead of the Yankees. This means that I'm becoming less of a Yankees fan or I'm crazier about this girl than I thought. Good: Lychee martinis are delicious. Bad: Lychee martinis are very strong and there's no good reason to have five of them. Good: Holding her was the best I've felt since...holding her last week. Bad: She stole my Potrero Hill hoodie. Good: I was so happy to see her. Bad: I followed Barr, Keeling, and Ted to a strip club. Good: I made a wise decision not going in. Bad: I made a poor decision to wander the streets drunk until I could find a cab. This normally wouldn't be so bad, but I had no idea where I was. Bad: I think my ATM card is at the strip club.