The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Wednesday, May 30, 2001

�Bombs away� or �Kismet my grits� Man did my interview suck. I was extremely nervous--certainly the most nervous I�ve been in years. I was stuttering and I got across maybe ten percent of what I wanted to convey. I pray that they call my references, because there�s no way I�m getting a callback based on that interview. As nervous as I get around girls that I�m attracted to, this was ten times worse. I totally bombed. Maybe it�s fate though, since immediately after my wretched interview I received a bunch of emails for freelance gigs. Perhaps my immediate destiny is to freelance for a bit. This way I can stay in the biz, bring some money in, and still have the free time to find whatever it is I�m looking for. Big-time thanks to Amazon, FHM, PSE2, and Pop Image for keeping me busy. Now go be a pal and tell them how much you enjoy my stuff (make sure to wait until it's actually printed or live). I�ve really been enjoying have weekdays off. I went to another $1 ticket/$1 hot dog A�s game today. It was a day game so I got to work on my tan--actually my arms kind of ache from sunburn. Freelancing would allow me to continue to enjoy these simple pleasures, not to mention the numerous weekday offers I get for cheap Las Vegas rooms. I�ll have to give this more thought. If freelance opportunities continue to present themselves then maybe dropping the ball with the GameSpot interview isn�t such a bad thing.