The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Monday, September 08, 2003

The Return of Binary Blog It's been quite some time since I've done a binary, so here goes: Good -- I had a lovely chat with Alison last night. It was just cool to share intimate things (including this blog!) with each other. She's a pretty amazing girl. Though I wonder what it's going to be like if we meet. I'm sure I'll just adore her more, but I'm afraid that she'll see other sides of me and not like them. I'm pretty safe and fun through AIM; in real life...I'm...well...this. Oh wait, this was supposed to be "good" point. I'm grateful for the chat, he friendship, and understanding. Good -- I conned Steve, Christian, and James to join this new gym with me at The Spectrum. It's super nice, but that's not why I joined. They'll have a big boxing studio! I miss boxing so much. It's such a great workout and it's extremely therapeutic. Training starts next week when it opens. Good -- Karaoke Revolution is in the office. Ryan and I are totally butchering every song to get the high scores. It's weird, my voice (which is only average at best) totally doesn't work for the game because of its natural timbre. To do well in the game I have to fight the way I want to sing, which kind of makes it not as fun. Oh well, there's a straight karaoke mode so I can just wail. Bad -- My plans got cancelled this evening. I guess I'm disappointed because I really wanted to spend time with this person. Also, I bowed out of a trip to San Francisco -- and I really miss my SF friends -- to go out tonight. And double also, she's spending time with someone else instead. Oh well, lesson learned.