Cabo Wabo: Binary Edition Good: The trip was amazing. The drinks were abundant. The weather was phenomenal. The food was delicious. The people were fantastic. And the the behaviour was ridiculous. Put it all together and what have you got? Best. Cabo. Trip. Ever. Bad: My voice sucks. I sound like frickin' Bonaduce. I have two theories on how this came to be. 1) There was too much screaming Guns 'N Roses and Def Leppard at Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina. 2) I purchased a toy frog from one of those five-year olds that tries to sell you Chicklettes when you're drunk at 2:30AM. After purchasing said frog I must have tried to eat it, only to get it stuck in my throat. Good: Cliff and I filmed a really fun interview. It's 50 minutes of us -- mostly in the pool -- free associating...and sometimes singing. I assure you, it's much more hetero than it sounds. Bad: For some reason I decided it would be visually interesting to have tequila shots during the interview. After a couple of those we said career-damaging things. I'm sure a DVD of the unedited version will accidentally make its way out I better look for a new line of work. Good: August has been a really fun, really ludicrous month. Bad: Between Cabo, Los Angeles, that unfortunate D.I.C.E. coupling, and a few other assorted incidents in 2004, people in the business must think I'm a drunken idiot. This is rather distressing since I spend most of my free time reading at the library, attending bible study, and volunteering to help build / maintain parks for the local children. Good: I really enjoyed having easy access to pools and beaches. The warm weather was delicious too. Bad: Sadly, it made me miss the climate in Irvine and living at Villa Siena. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to move to Hawaii next year. Good: This weekend will be quiet, tame, and restful. Bad: I should have started resting last night, but this cute girl was in town. Good: There's something liberating about being in another country and being ignorant of the local laws. Bad: I didn't get to spend as much time with Justin as I would have liked. Bad: Security (I'll blame TSA since I'm pro-Mexico right now) forgot to put my electric shaver back in my bag. Good: At any given point in the evening, there was always someone that was worse or better than I was. It's good to have targets. I could either follow my hedonistic hero into more trouble or emulate the people who were behaving.
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