The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Face Down in Cabo Despite what other people have been saying, I'm still impervious. I pretty much passed out in my room after yesterday's pool time. I didn't hear any of the phone calls (eight voicemails...lamers) from people trying to wake me up for dinner. I did wake up feeling refreshed and ready to rally. So after playing in the cantina for a bit, we went poolside. I had not intention of going in so I didn't change. Unfortunately for my khakis, I accidentally went in the pool. I wonder if they're dry yet? Let me check...nope. This morning was a little rough, but I still maintain that my super powers are kickin'. I mean, even Superman let Lex Luthor get away once or twice. Still, I'm proud that I woke up early and was on time for the work stuff. Too bad my imperviousness isn't transferable. Ryan looks like he took all the hangovers I should have had over the last three days and kept them for himself.