The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Comic Conned My trip to San Diego was fun. The Con was okay. There were lots of games there, but most of the publishers were using the same builds they used at E3. The panel I moderated went okay. The panelists were great and there was only one question that really irked me (read the documents I send you people). Unfortunately it was the first panel on Sunday morning and it was in a ridiculously large room. Oh well. It was a neat experience and I'd do it again if asked. Friday night took an interesting turn. I went out with a bunch of gaming people. It was a lovely night in Old Town with good food, good drink, and good people. For some reason we decided it would be a good idea to go to Tijuana at 1:30 in the morning. Highlights include one guy vomitting at a strip club, interesting ladies, and a sandy dance club. Thankfully I made it to my 10AM shoot on Saturday. I kept it together until 10:52 when the cameras stopped rolling. Sunday had some really funny drama. We were supposed do a shoot at 9:30, but the floor didn't open until 10. Rannie snuck the crew in with the clever use of other people's badges. Security wasn't thrilled about this and kicked us all out. Unfortunately one of the security guys was a total assclown and got pushy with one of the PR guys. There was pushing, yelling, and all that good stuff. Our guy was detained for a bit and we weren't allowed to shoot. We got it all in after the panel though. It was pretty funny. Anyway, here's a picture update: The Unfortunate Karaoke Evening The Road to Tijuana The Security Incident