The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Episode I: Attack of the Show The E3 episode of Reset is finally up! Watch it!!! I'm pretty happy with it considering it was a last-minute thing and Yahoo! was only able to send one guy. I'll give it 3/5. Please check it out and leave me some comments with your thoughts. I know we can do better. And yes, Kit already pointed out that I'm alarmingly floopy and ghey in the intro. And yes (again), I realize that the opening amination (tee-hee) didn't survive compression. So I decided not to go to LA this weekend. Actually, I kind of just didn't book airfare and hotel while waiting for the show to post. I wish I went out to celebrate, but I crashed out and fell asleep. Plus I didn't really have anyone to go out with. *sniff* Oh well, I really should organize my room and life a bit. Maybe I'll go shopping to reward myself for the episode and to make up for not going to LA. Hey, that's a good idea--I'll get a new pair of shoes to celebrate each episode!