The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Monday, November 22, 2004

LA Gunnin' And all of the sudden, my month got a lot busier.... I went to LA for 18 hours over the weekend. It was a last-minute thing -- part work, part self promotion, almost entirely selfish. It turns out I have two more LA trips (one wreckless, one decadent) over the next three weeks. My nemesis is dropping by too, which should help my healing process. The trip was a bit of a surprise. A company was rather amused with my idiot act for the Halo 2 launch and wanted me down for its product launch. I was quite flattered and a little nervous. One of the reasons the aforementioned piece turned out well was because I was in a really sad way -- I didn't care so I let go in front of the camera. I'm feeling a bit better now so part of me is wondering if the shtick worked, but I think Ryan has some good stuff. We shall see. We almost didn't get a chance to shoot. The event was on the one cold and rainy day in LA. It cleared up around 11:40PM and we were able to cram 35 minutes of footage. The final piece should be around 13 minutes. Ech. The right knee is sore again. That's what I get for resuming boxing with little preparation. Hopefully I can just keep popping Alieve so I can go to the gym again tomorrow. Right now it feels like Ric Flair has had me in the figure-four leg-lock for the last 24 hours. Whoooooo!!!