Damn I Look Good Okay, that's not entirely true. In this recent interview about WrestleMania XXI I actually look quite wretched. I just got back from Asia that morning, had no intention of going to the event, and certainly had no intention of conducting an interview. But thanks to Ryan's mad skills and the power of the Canon XL2 the interview looks fantastic! I also picked a pretty interesting corner to film in, as opposed to the boring-ass window our sister site was filming against. This was our first interview using the XL2 and I can't wait until we use it again! It's a damn good thing I know a bit about wrestling or my jet-lagged state would have made for a really bad interview. My voice was scratchy, my hair was a mess, and I didn't have makeup to cover my wreck of a face. Thankfully, Ryan and the XL2 save all! Oh yeah, that EA event on Thursday was the first time I did any site interviews without Ryan. I think I did an okay job with the interview, but every time I glanced back at the camera a sense of panic shot down my spine. Is this shot framed well? Is he making that neutral density filter mistake again? Is he going to change angles once during this shoot? *sigh* I missed shooting with Ryan. It's just comforting to know that you have a talented cameraman shooting you and you don't have to worry about anything but the interview. Anyway, since nobody is bothering to make this interview easy to find on the site, download it here! Oh, after I return from New York and skip off to Vegas I'm off to Seattle. Being a road warrior is actually a good thing for me right now. I really don't need to be holed up in my room thinking the terrible thoughts I usually think. Then again, Vegas is a bad idea when my heart band-aid isn't enough to keep my fractured self together. Then again (x2), I also need to look for a new apartment so maybe all this travel isn't the smartest thing right now. Of course, I can just bag it all and run away in April to become a bartender in Maui -- just a thought I'm playing around with.
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