The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Snap, Crackle, Pop! That was pretty much what happened to my knee on Monday night. When I went to bed it was a little sore, but then I woke up on Tuesday morning in a great deal of pain. I thought I did something major, but I went to the doctor, got some meds, and iced it. It's okay now--only a little bit sore. J-Fo says that I'm just getting older. Now there's a terrifying thought. He might be right though. It's okay now and I should be able to work out this weekend, which is good because I'll be seeing Justin, but I just need to be more careful. *sigh* Oh yeah, my blog turned two-years old the other day. It's hard to believe I've been writing my nonsense down for two years. I wonder how long I'll keep doing so. I hung out with X-Stina (hope you don't mind the nick, heeee!) a few times this week. It was pretty fun. She's the first non-GameSpy person I've spent time with in Irvine that wasn't visiting. Ten months and I finally spend time with someone from here--not too pathetic. The weekend should be rad. I'm going to WrestleMania with THQ. Justin and Kid should be there so I'll have close friends. It should be a nice weekend of fun activities, great friends, and plenty of whining about life. Let the good times roll.