The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Wannabe So I'm sitting outside the Starbucks on Geary and Mason connected to T-Mobile Hotspot while smoking a cigarette. Pretty cool. I'm staying at the Hotel Diva, which is like a poor-man's version of The Clift. It's almost like it's half done; lots of the rennovations are pretty slick, but there are still noticeable ghetto aspects to it. It's mildly amusing to me. I think I know what I'm going to be for Halloween. It would be funnier in San Francisco, but I think some SoCal people will get it. Plus it helps justify a purchase that I was going to make anyway. Should be cool. Yesterday I went shopping with Neil. It was actually pretty cool. I'm usually wary of shopping with other males, because...quite frankly, I shop like a girl. I take way too long and look at too many things. I miss shopping with Raina. Anyway, I bought a cool DKNY shirt and an Ecko shirt that was on sale. It was $94 total. My rational is to buy enough shirts that are reasonably priced so that I don't buy those Zegna shirts. Let's see if this plan works....