The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Things That Bother Me Right Now - Women that frequently cancel plans with you. Though this isn't nearly as bothersome as women that cancel new year's plans the day before. - Women that are dishonest. At this very moment I think this applies to all women I know. - Women that make exagerrated claims about how long and how well they know you (i.e. forever). - Women that are succeptible to "The Seven Rules of Highly Effective Bastards." Again, I'm thinking this applies to all women I know. - Women that get upset when they're not the one you're paying the most attention to. This lends credence to Lawler's theory that all women secretly hate each other. - Women that respond to negative treatment. - Women that prefer drug dealers. - Women that take advantage of people that don't know when to stop giving. - Women that patronize you with statements they don't truly mean. Yes, this falls under dishonesty, but this one is so annoying that it deserves its own mention. - Women that drive you to make stupid lists on your blog.