The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Serving it Up Actually, it's more like not serving it up. I played tennis for the first time in...well over a year (Phu, when was the last time we played?). My groundstrokes were okay. My volleys were okay. But man, I can't serve for crap. This is alarming since my game has been reduced to relying on spin and my lefty-acity. I know what the problem is though. I'm taking my eye off the ball way too soon. I can cheat like that on my groundies and volleys, but when I do it on my serve all sorts of things go wrong. Oh well. It was fun to play and I'd like to play more. I'm officially calling out Phu. On a related note, I probably should get some new racquets. The ones I have are really for a more advanced player (what I used to be). I should trade in my mid-sized, modestly-powered sticks for some oversized racquets with a little more pop. *sigh* I'd like to stick to Yonex, but I should probably see what they make these days. Aside from that, I really didn't do much over the weekend. I was a little tired from rushing episode III and I wanted to save my personality for the road trip (have to put on the idiot act for the kids ya know). I'm sure it'll get a little bit crazy so I figured I'd get some peace/slash quiet before it all starts. Plus, kit introduced me to the wonder that is Paul Walker. I swear, it's as if Shane were a Hollywood star--he's just so breathtakingly bad. I should probably send off emails and prep my PC for the road. I have to leave for the airport in less than five hours.