The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Monday, June 16, 2003

"NY Cuisine Checklist" or "Walk this Way" New York bagel with lox and cream cheese -- Check. Knish with mustard -- Check. Dirty water hotdog with red onions and sauerkraut -- Check. Pizza -- Check, check, check, and check. Good, my list of New York City food is complete. I really miss the bagels, knishes, and pizza (especially pizza), but I could do without the hotdogs. Those things are pretty bad for you anyway. I do miss those onions in that lovely red sauce though. I wonder how those would taste on a tofu hotdog. Driving into the city with my brother was practically tear inducing. I miss this town so much. Walking around was nearly breathtaking, but a wee bit off. I've always walked slowly for a New Yorker, but two and a half years in California has really thrown me off. My gait is just entirely wrong. It took a few hours of walking around to keep up with everyone and to roll my shoulder just right so as not to dislocate it or someone else's during rush hour. Still, I keep wondering if I could live here again. California has definitely made me soft. And I checked the Village Voice for rent prices. Check this: nice Manhattan studios start at $2,000. Ha! And all those people in San Francisco were complaining.