The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Friday, November 16, 2001

"Have" or "Have not" I was arguing with a friend about the ways we view others. One of the things Sharon taught me was to always look for the best in people. For most of the last few years, that�s what I�ve been doing. But it�s so heartbreaking when people disappoint you. Lately I�ve been thinking it might be better to not expect so much from people or not to believe in people so much. Nobody would ever let me down this way. Of course the argument is that this kind of behavior is limiting, both in personal happiness and the joy one can have with others. Before, that would have been my argument, but I�m thinking that�s something dreamers, not pragmatists, would say. Maybe it�s better not to want�so when you don�t have, it�s not so disheartening.