The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

My life as a shelf I just got back from seeing my second-favorite band in the world at Bottom of the Hill. They were really awesome tonight--much better than their show in LA a few weeks ago. Like the last show, the band closed out their set with Name. It was definitely the best they�ve sounded live in the three times that I�ve seen them. Too bad the last two times Come Out and Play sounded flat. I really love that song. Before Majestic played, I was introduced to the lovely sounds of Charming. They too were fantastic, which is a little disturbing since it seems like the only music I like these days is on Shelflife Records. I bought this Shelflife compilation I�ve been wanting for a long time, as well as two Shermans CDs. I should have bought the Charming CD at the show, but I decided to wait until my next Shelflife mail order. Then I can get more Brittle Stars and Laura Watling. So my move is all set. Hopefully the moving company is reputable and they won�t sell my stuff on the way down to Irvine. I didn�t bother to check them out. Rob is set to leave on Thursday�. It�s only two days away and none of it is sinking in. Pretty soon I�ll finish a day of work and not be able to go to Farley�s with Kate to whine about romantic stuff and fawn over Tobey. It�ll be Friday and I won�t be able to cross town to catch James� set. I�ll have to fly to San Francisco to watch The Fairways play at Bottom of the Hill. It�s all rather sad. But I guess that�s fitting since I�ve been quite melancholy since E3 ended. Usually I�m totally excited to be heading into a new adventure, but I�ve only been able to think about people, places, and things I�ll be missing and letting go of. It�s like The Beatles� In My Life is constantly playing in the background. There are places I remember�.