The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Assorted Updates - I ended up buying the camera. Ryan bought one so I felt the need to validate his purchase by buying one too. Besides, it makes me happy. - I conked out for the entire bus ride to Narita, most of the flight to Los Angeles, and the entire 15-minute flight to The OC. - I wasn't able to upgrade on the way home. Fortunately I had the first row in coach so I had plenty of space. Still, I've been spoiled by the service in business class. I haven't been on a flight longer than four hours where I didn't upgrade myself. Four-plus hours on coach blows. I need the pampering, better amenities, and superior food. - Ryan and I had a delicious lunch buffet before I left for Narita. - I miss Japanese soda. - Check out my CosPlay pictorial, Japanese soda pictorial, Pokemon pictorial, and Akiba pictorial. - I did a pair of video interviews in Tokyo. They're not so good...but I know I'll get better at it--my charm is too powerful. My favorite part was complaining about my crap interviews to Ryan after we shot them. It was totally Larry Sanders complaining to Artie. The first one is up here. - My mood is pretty strange. I had a nice time in Tokyo, but I missed Justin being there. I've gained so much weight over the last two months and for the first time in years I am totally single. All this has added up to me getting into that internally angry place where I'm all sunny on the outside but it's raining in my heart (I stole that from Whitesnake). The good thing is that I diet and exercise better when I'm like this. - As you can infer from my posting time, my sleep schedule is way messed up. I should go to bed now.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Orange Update Apparently the orange camera of my dreams will be available in America...but it's cheaper here and I want it now! Should I but it?

Tokyo Nights The last two days in Tokyo have been much better than the first two. The humidity has cut down, making the trek from Tokyo to Chiba much easier. Work has slowed down. Christian, Ryan, and I went to Akihabara last night, just before things closed down. I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so tempted to buy Sony's DSC U-50. They have it in orange here, which would match my limited edition GBA-SP. I'm positive the orange model won't be coming to the U.S. sooooooo I think I should get it. Christian is trying to be the voice of reason, but I'm not sure he fully understands my shopping prowess. On my birthday I got two unexpected phone calls and one very unexpected visitor. The latter was okay I suppose, but the phone calls were greatly appreciated. One of them was from a lady that shouldn't know what hotel I'm staying at but somehow does. Even though you're a stalker, hearing your voice was a most precious birthday gift.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Nippon Birthday Last weekend's party was fun. I honestly don't remember most of it, but after seeing much of it on tape, it looked like a really good time. I guess there was just something missing. I was talking to Raina about it before the party and I started to say, "Outside of Steve and Phuong-Mai there isn't...." She tried to complete the sentence saying, "Anyone there that matters?" That was pretty mean of her and not at all what I meant. I guess I just wanted more people around that have known me for a long time and know what's inside my heart. Still, it was a drunken good time. The "off" feeling I had regarding my party makes me wonder if the wanderlust is going to strike me soon. I don't know exactly what it is I'm looking for, but I'm pretty sure it's not in Irvine. It's not that anything is bad, but many things are so "eh." So I flew to Japan on Monday. I was able to upgrade myself to business class for only 15,000 miles. That ruled. It was the most pleasant 11-hour flight I've ever been on. I slept a lot, watched three movies, drank some mimosas, drank some shiraz, drank some Bailey's & coffee, and listened to some music. I was nice and visited my pals in coach. Hopefully I can upgrade on the way back. Jet lag is such a m*therf&cker though. I remember my pre-25 years when jet lag was beneath me. Now it hits me worse year after year. If I don't need the miles, perhaps I won't go to Japan next year. Then again, who knows where I'll be in September '04. Tokyo is colder and damper than it was this time last year. The most disappointing thing is that King's Head in a Gravy Boat is no more. Last year Justin, Jon, Ben, and I ate (often) at this lovely katsu place that had a vending machine outside where you'd order your food. You'd then plop the ticket on the counter and they'd serve it up. It was yummy, novel, and cheap. Sadly, it's gone. Today is my birthday. I spent most of it at Polyphony. The office was really rad and a bunch of us cheapo journos abused the free vending machines. Before the trip I asked a bunch of friends to get together for some birthday bashing, but I'm just feeling jet laggy. I probably should have some fun before the real work starts, but I'm just not into it. Oh yeah, my mom sent me a really sweet birthday card. There was just one weird part in it. All of the sudden, it seems, she wants me to find someone. She's never really bothered me about it before -- outside of wanting me to marry Kim -- but I guess she's getting worried. Oh mother, if you only knew how ridiculous my dating life was over the past few years and how barren it is now.... Heh, I guess she has reason to worry. Hey Ali, thanks for card! I wasn't expecting it and it made me happy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Today Wow. Today has been most fabulous -- Farley's and rabbits and books and trees and walks and an amazing companion. There's so much I could write about today, but I like having that little piece of joy to myself. It's funny how someone could be so admired that they almost have fans. I can't imagine what that's like -- walking into a room, having all eyes on you, and being almost universally revered. What's funnier is that at the end of the day, when we're alone, you're my fan. That's difficult for me to write because it sounds so egotistical, but you said it, not me. It's kind of neat having that as our secret. You make me feel treasured and adored, and it's cool because normally I wouldn't know what to do with that, but with you it's natural and comfortable. I guess that's the best part, because we can just be around each other. We don't have to put on an act or turn up the charm like we so often have to do. No matter what kind of mood we're in or how we're changing or what we're going through, we'll always be each other's fan.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Sometimes... ...I wonder if anyone will ever think I'm as wonderful as you think I am. You must be crazy. Still, I'm so grateful for you and I love you.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Strings Attached Wow, it's been years since I've had my racquet strung by a competent individual. Thankfully, Phu found an amazing stringer that's just down the road from us. He did an excellent job and I'm really happy with him. Stringers are like stylists -- so hard to find one that works for you. The racquet feels great. I played a match with Phu to see how it was. It definitely felt better on my serves (though I'm hitting them flatter than I would like -- my fault, not the stick). My backhand is better than it's been in years. Touch shots are a bit off since I'm getting used to the tension (57lbs., dang I remember when I was strong enough to rock 72lbs.). My forehand sucks though. I guess I've been cheating on my forehand and letting the loose strings provide most of the power. Now that I have to swing harder, it's just not working. I'll work that out in a bit though. I'm going to San Francisco tomorrow. It should be fun. Going to Farley's and not seeing Tobie will be strange though. I guess I'll never see her again. How sad. Originally I wanted to partake in some editor karaoke, but I've got some personal matters to attend to that are far more important and certainly more exciting. On paper, it looks like I'll have some dangerous temptations, but I know in my heart that will not be the case. The last few Sundays I've been chatting with Alison, and I must say that she's become my favorite part of Sunday evening. It's usually such a "blah" day. The weekend is over and you have work in a few hours. But she definitely makes it more fun. She's quite an extraordinary girl... even though she's a skunk (gotcha). My birthday party is on Saturday. It should be cool, but it seems a little weird. There will be many people missing that hold such an important place in my heart -- Raina, Kate, Kate's idiot-wrestler boyfriend (I guess), Rob, Rannie, Dallas (joke), Kitten, Chia, all my friends in NY, and I guess Tammy.... It's kind of weird. I've always had a lot of friends, but I've always had people that know me on a deeper level close by as well. Down in The OC, Steve is the only one that fits that description.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Sports Nights The sporty lifestyle continues in Irvine. Big ups to James for playing tennis with me on Monday night. I needed to blow off some steam and I really appreciate him being around to smack some tennis balls. The match was really fun. James played the best he has all year. I wasn't in any danger of losing or anything. In fact, I played overly aggressive and went for a lot of shots that I knew I probably wouldn't make. Still, it was super cool when I made them. I ended up winning 6-3, 6-4. On Sunday Phu had his best match against me; I beat him 7-5. I served so poorly that match that it irritated me. Like most Tuesdays in The OC (*giggle*), it was volleyball night. It was pretty good. Steve made some sick dives. James had his usual solid game. And Elwin had some wicked hits (damn his youth and vertical leap). Ben got really annoyed at me though. I was trying to organize points and attempting to play properly. James and Steve were down with the plan, but Ben just likes hitting it over -- instead of bump/set/spike -- and was annoyed at my coaching. I understand that we're just playing for fun and all, but I do get competitive and I do really, really, really dislike losing. It's not like any of us are any good, but at least some of us are trying to get better, so I didn't get his attitude. To check myself, I asked Steve and James about it and they pretty much feel the same was I do. I guess I feel guilty because my competitiveness during volleyball has bothered Christian and Ben. I wonder how long volleyball will continue. We quit around October last year because of holiday rush. With tennis and boxing (and possibly basketball), I'm not sure how much time there will be for volleyball. Then again, it's not like I have anything to do aside from work so maybe I'll be all Bo Jackson. Ray knows tennis.

Monday, September 08, 2003

The Return of Binary Blog It's been quite some time since I've done a binary, so here goes: Good -- I had a lovely chat with Alison last night. It was just cool to share intimate things (including this blog!) with each other. She's a pretty amazing girl. Though I wonder what it's going to be like if we meet. I'm sure I'll just adore her more, but I'm afraid that she'll see other sides of me and not like them. I'm pretty safe and fun through AIM; in real life...I'm...well...this. Oh wait, this was supposed to be "good" point. I'm grateful for the chat, he friendship, and understanding. Good -- I conned Steve, Christian, and James to join this new gym with me at The Spectrum. It's super nice, but that's not why I joined. They'll have a big boxing studio! I miss boxing so much. It's such a great workout and it's extremely therapeutic. Training starts next week when it opens. Good -- Karaoke Revolution is in the office. Ryan and I are totally butchering every song to get the high scores. It's weird, my voice (which is only average at best) totally doesn't work for the game because of its natural timbre. To do well in the game I have to fight the way I want to sing, which kind of makes it not as fun. Oh well, there's a straight karaoke mode so I can just wail. Bad -- My plans got cancelled this evening. I guess I'm disappointed because I really wanted to spend time with this person. Also, I bowed out of a trip to San Francisco -- and I really miss my SF friends -- to go out tonight. And double also, she's spending time with someone else instead. Oh well, lesson learned.

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Trivial Pursuits Hmmmmm, I really thought I wasn't going to drink again until my birthday party. I must have meant! Steve and I went to Bryn's place last night for dinner, drinks, and merriment. Mrs. Bryn cooked a most delicious chicken curry. The spice level had to be kicked down a notch because Cookie is a big puff and can't handle the spice. Despite the lack of tear-inducing spices, it was so delicious. Thankfully there was this super hot mango chutney and a less hot, but extremely tasty, lime chutney. The dinner was fabulous, I must have drank a bottle and a half of wine, and the company was lovely. We all got really drunk and played a drinking version of Trivial Pursuit. I had an interesting talk/semi-confrontation with this boy at work. Apparently he was not very happy with me for spending time with this girl he's enamored with. I think we talked it all out and everything is was just a really weird situation. A few people at the office have wondered why I've been glowing lately. I've been so jazzed on life that I'm hopping around the office, spilling soda on my keyboard, trying to get everyone to be as happy as I am, etc. It's kind of a weird feeling. I've been used to having some ridiculous situation in the back of my mind and heart, but being liberated from it has left me with a really interesting sense of freedom. So many more things seem possible to me and I just feel like I have the potential to do so much. On second thought, happy Raymond is totally weird. Hopefully my normally morose and moribund self will return shortly. *JOKE*

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

The Date I just had a perfectly lovely date with a most wonderful girl. I'm not sure if there's anywhere else for this to go, but for one night it was fantastic. Towards the beginning of the date I got a phone call from one of the most phenomenal people I know. She yelled, "Aren't you on a date right now?!? Why are you picking up the phone?!?" I totally had to break and laugh. She called immediately after and left a sweet voicemail. It really meant a lot to me that she checked in -- big time. Like most females, she perplexes me. She considers herself average in every way, but that's not what I see at all. I felt very fortunate to be out with a funny, charming, spunky, beautiful, and witty lady. My absolute favorite thing about her is that she has a much deeper understanding of fun and happiness. It's something I really admire and want to learn from her, since one of my primary talents is finding new and creative ways to make myself miserable. Hopefully I'll get the chance to learn what her heart knows so well.