The Ramblings of an Ornamental American

An update on Raymond's quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of sandwiches.

Friday, November 30, 2001

I just wrote a haiku for Kim and must share it with the world to embarrass her: Contradicting Kim, How my parents adore you, It must be the ears.

Thursday, November 29, 2001

�Master ninja� or �Impulse� Wow, things have been plenty interesting since my last blog. Thanksgiving was pretty cool. Kim was over and my parents absolutely adored her. This was unnerving on several levels. First of all, they usually don�t care for the girls I�ve introduced them to. Second, they already have several plans to invite her over while I�m not there. So weird. Most of last week revolved around indulging in a past indiscretion I thought I was over. It�s definitely not the smartest thing I�ve done, and the reasons for it are pretty lame. But it answers a need I have. I�m not sure what I�m doing here�but I guess I�ll find out in eight days. From New York I made a brief stop to Los Angeles, which was plenty of fun. I got to see two of my favorite girls in the universe. I wish I could see them lots more, but they�d probably get sick of me so it�s for the best. Finally I got to spend nine hours at home before I left for Denver� �where I went to ninja school. This was way more fun than I thought it would be. We started with choreographed fight scenes where we got to make our own ending. I thought mine was particularly funny in a Jackie Chan sorta kinda way. After this we learned a single-sword form, which was both a nice workout and relaxing. It was almost like tai chi with a sword. I think I�ll continue to practice the form when my wooden practice sword is mailed back to me. My real sword is pretty heavy and I�d either get really tired or my rhythm would be way off. Anyway, this talk of swords is too phallic so I�m going away.

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

�Fallen autumn leaves surround me� or �Play ball� Ah, the first title is from my second-favorite Fairways song (K-L-M Line)�but I digress. New York has been cool so far. Yesterday was a lovely fall day. My brother and I threw a baseball around and discussed the important things in life. It was very �Hallmark Moment.� Then I met up with Kim and did some city stuff before I took her to a press junket. I felt bad dragging her to my world of geekdom, but it was lovely to see her. It's been nice hearing music around the house. My brother plays classical piano and jazz sax, his girlfriend is a voice major, and his friend that's staying with us for a while plays violin. The variety of beautiful sounds has been really cool. Of course, I'll probably get sick of it by the time I leave, but for the time being it's rather...pleasant. Today it was really cold, which was a convenient reminder of how much I love the weather in San Francisco. Played catch again with Reggie before I did some hill sprints. I suppose I should start writing some reviews�but I�m just not feeling it right now. Hmmm, today�s blog was kinda pointless.

Friday, November 16, 2001

"Have" or "Have not" I was arguing with a friend about the ways we view others. One of the things Sharon taught me was to always look for the best in people. For most of the last few years, that�s what I�ve been doing. But it�s so heartbreaking when people disappoint you. Lately I�ve been thinking it might be better to not expect so much from people or not to believe in people so much. Nobody would ever let me down this way. Of course the argument is that this kind of behavior is limiting, both in personal happiness and the joy one can have with others. Before, that would have been my argument, but I�m thinking that�s something dreamers, not pragmatists, would say. Maybe it�s better not to want�so when you don�t have, it�s not so disheartening.

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

�Fortress of solitude� or �Stuff the message boards� I just discovered the message boards on If you�re reading this, chances are that you�ve purchased something from them in the past. Now go be a doll and post a message telling everyone how insightful and informative my reviews are. Yes, I know it�s a stretch since word count and their goal of selling games limits me, but if it�ll get me more work it�s a score. Here's a bunch of links to some of my reviews. You can find my scribbling under the "editorial reviews" section. Devil May Cry Ico Klonoa: Empire of Dreams Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 Fortress High Heat Baseball 2002 Dark Cloud Blast Lacrosse Escape from Monkey Island

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

�Yankee pride� or �Miss me blind� Most of my friends out west don�t understand why I�m so distraught about the Yankees. Conversely, almost all my east-coast pals totally get it. Sure it�s just a game. Sure they�re there to provide entertainment. But being from New York, hell being born in the Bronx, the Yankees are so ingrained into the culture. It goes deeper than that though. Anyone that knows me knows how much I love the girls (never mind my ineptitude with them). But before I ever became a fan of the ladies, I was a Yankee fan. It was probably the first thing I ever became passionate about in life. I�ve always half-jokingly said that any girl that dates me has to be comfortable with the fact that at some time she will have to take a backseat to the Yankees. I guess that doesn�t totally explain everything, but it�s a start. There�s someone that I�ve been missing a ton and didn�t realize it until this second. Yeah, I know you�re busy with all sorts of new stuff, but don�t forget about me. My life is emptier without you in it.

Saturday, November 03, 2001

�Twice in a lifetime� or �I�m a loser baby� Wow. Those last two Yankee games have been phenomenal. I love my team. I know I�ll never see two games like that ever again. I feel so bad for that young Korean pitcher who blew both games. He�s only 22 and thrust in the spotlight on the world�s biggest baseball stage, only to fail utterly. I�d think he�s the biggest loser in the world, except I�ve got him beat. Yes, I did go back to Starbucks to see Alani. As expected, I totally fucked up. 11:05PM -- Went in, said hi, exchanged pleasantries, ordered two drinks, went back to the table to bring Rannie her drink. 11:10PM -- After thinking of several things I could possibly say, the store closes. I decide it�s not meant to be. 11: 15PM -- After walking two blocks I decide that I must do something then and there. So we walk back across the street from Starbucks. 11:25PM -- Still can�t think of anything to say so I decide to write a note on the back of my business card and give it to her. 11:26PM -- Decided that writing something on my business card is incredibly lame. So I plan to knock on the window and say, �Hey, I forgot something. I meant to ask you out.� 11:35PM -- The courage and confidence are still not there. 11:36PM -- Motivated by the Yankees� last two games I march across the street ready for my moment, constantly saying to myself, �Remember Tino Martinez! Remember Scott Brosius!� 11:37PM -- Like a deer in headlights, I�m stuck at the store next door to Starbucks and can�t take another step. 11:45PM -- Still next door, I watch as the lights at Starbucks go off. I wait a few minutes and go back across the street to Rannie�s car. 11:50PM -- Alani and her coworkers close up and drive off. Rannie and I leave. I�m now the biggest loser in the entire universe. This is pathetic. I�m almost thirty and I can�t ask a girl out. I will be single for the rest of my life. Words can�t describe how much I absolutely suck. I loathe myself. Now excuse me while I repeatedly bash myself on the head with my Louisville Slugger.